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Old Mar 07, 2007, 04:10 AM // 04:10   #21
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Healsig - it's more versatile.
I like to carry it if I'm going to be speccing into tactics for watch yourself, which I usually do in PvE.
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Old Mar 07, 2007, 02:56 PM // 14:56   #22
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Healing Signet I think is better, why?

1) you can tactic defenses to block some interupts and provide yourself added protection when activating the signet

2) unlike Lion's comfort, you are reliant on only 1 attribute, not 2.

3) subject to skill interupts and signet hate spells only (like ignorance)

4) remove adrenaline, no healing from Lion's comfort (such as soothing images, you using wild blow, Final Thrust or something that takes a large amount of adrenaline can remove your need to heal in a desparate situation, etc.)
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Old Mar 07, 2007, 03:05 PM // 15:05   #23
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Originally Posted by Undressed
Why tank at all? You can "flail" and "earthshaker" (FGJ, TTL etc.) multiple foes to the ground, disrupting chop, cyclone axe, eviscerate, distracting blow (multiple foes again) etc..

I believe tanking makes very lazy/bad players.
I love you man, tanking strikes me as being particularly dull. I didn't create my warrior to stand around as a big gimp with 400 AL, I want to KILL stuff.
I hate that rigid 'warrior tanks, the rest kills' style, Warriors kill, KILL KILL RRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
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Old Mar 07, 2007, 07:32 PM // 19:32   #24
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Originally Posted by LightningHell
I don't like bringing a selfheal. Let your support do the job. The main usage of selfheals in high-end PvP is when you have splits, of which Healing Signet is clearly better since you do not need to hit anyone to heal - you would probably be running away rather than hitting anyone if you need heals.

I would actually venture to say that none of the Tactics skills really impress me enough for me to put it on as a warrior staple except for Healing Signet, and perhaps "Charge!" and "Watch Yourself!".

Warrior Signets suck. Most of them, anyway, excluding Healing Signet.

By the way, he was attacking Lion's Comfort, so I think you quoted the wrong person or sth.

Air of Enchantment smiters would be able to keep up the party. I haven't seen many successful smiters except for E/Mos and Air of Enchantment smiters.

And of course, there are Protection monks. Actually, Protection Prayers is more efficient than Healing by far. But that doesn't stop him using Gift of Health, Zealous Benediction - hell, Signet of Devotion and Reversal of Fortune help too.

Using bad monks as an excuse to waste a skillslot is rather ignorant.

Most of the time the Warrior is put to the front to smash some face. Even so, if you're getting damaged in PvE, chances are you'll be getting more damage coming your way, and Healing Signet wouldn't really be too helpful.

Oh, and tanking sucks.
Alright let me put some clarification into my previous statements maybe I was coming a off a little too strong on whether to bring a self-heal or not. The argument as previously stated is whether Lions Confort or Healing Signet is better. As the thread went on it went into a series of arguments over to bring or not bring a self-heal. Here is my revised version of everything I commented on in this thread. Healing Signet is indeed better. Self-Heals I personally prefer to use because of the way I intend to use my Warrior. Now maybe I came off as a little insulting to those that would prefer to use that slot for more damage when they are traveling with a good support group. There is nothing wrong with that I think all I was simply retaliating for calling it useless when I do not believe it is. We all use diffrent builds and base what we do around what we have to work with. Because I use a large number of diffrent classed axes I tend to change my build often so it doesn't always include Healing Signet or other Tactics related skills. As far as the Strength vs. Tactics go, Im partial to both because I use the Healing Signet, but I also like the extra damage that strength adds, so I try to level both. Lastly as far as the Tanking issue, again I probably came off a little on the aggressive and wasnt thinking clearly, but I realize Im no more a Tank than many others, sure my build is a little more heavy in tactics, but its just a self heal, by no means equals Tanking (In My Opinion). I prefer large amounts of fast damage and althought Im a little heavy in tactics I think it better helps to support my Monk by helping them heal people that may require it more than me. I suppose this would be Virtual Chivalry in a sense but I'm thinking more of a group than myself usually when I go PVE adeventuring. This Thread was started to question the abilities over Healing Signet against Lion's Comfort, and we turned it into an argument about builds. I am one of the guilty parties so I take full blame. But I just wanna rectify my mistaken comments and give my final opinion. Healing Signet is better. That is all.
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Old Mar 07, 2007, 11:03 PM // 23:03   #25
Krytan Explorer
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Well ive used them both and they are both good but in different situations.
Lions comfort is a support heal, healing signet is a full self heal.

If your in a group with a a healer monk id go lions comfort you wont always need healing and its usefull for topping your life up in battle so your not so dependant.

Healing signet is for use outside of battle or when things go horribly wrong and your feeling lucky .

I went FoW spider solo farming earlier and brought both. Healing signet so i could heal myself during the running and Lions comfort for safe top up healing in battle.

Lions comfort when theres a monk in your group, heal sig when there is'nt.
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Old Mar 13, 2007, 01:23 AM // 01:23   #26
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I almost always bring Healing Signet, heals for more and can be used more often (generally).
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